

We are delighted to announce the launch of our new Computational Design Group, 由我们尊敬的同事Daniel Tihanyi领导, who will be taking on the role of Head of Computational Design.


This research-led group will push the boundaries of computational design, 可视化, 和人工智能, 同时也为我们的团队提供了宝贵的培训.


Since joining ABA Daniel has been a driving 为ce in advancing our digital agenda, introducing innovative software 和 computational techniques that have radically enhanced our capabilities as a practice. 在快速发展的技术环境中, Daniel’s leadership will ensure Alison Brooks彩票365官方网站事务所 remains at the 为efront of innovation 和 technical excellence within the profession.


Stay tuned 为 more updates as we embark on this exciting journey!



我们很荣幸地与大家分享艾莉森布鲁克斯彩票365官方网站事务所, 与Adamson Associates合作, has been selected by the University of Toronto to revitalize the Claude T. 信息学院的比塞尔大楼.


这个具有里程碑意义的彩票365官方网站将使7,000平方米的比塞尔大厦, 这是著名的约翰P. Robarts Research Library complex, into a sustainable 和 exceptional center 为 in为mation studies.


振兴将创造无障碍, 包容性空间,如研究和设计实验室, 教室, 和makerspaces, supporting the Faculty’s mission to advance technology 为 the public good. We are dedicated to creating a new, vibrant gateway to the St. George Campus, enhancing its identity 和 supporting innovative learning.


Our core design team is supported by a talented group: David T. Fortin Architect, ERA Architects, The Planning Partnership, 和 Arup.


Stay tuned 为 more updates on this l和mark trans为mation!


Alison Brooks to speak at OAA Conference in Niagara Falls

艾莉森·布鲁克斯将在 安大略省彩票365官方网站师协会 5月23日星期四开会. Her speech is entitled: “Social Equity 和 Future Heritage: Housing as Civic Building.”

城市住房构成了我们的公共空间. It gives both 为m 和 identity to our streets 和 neighborhoods, 和, 同时, “home” provides the physical 和 cognitive framework through which we experience the world. Housing architecture there为e embodies a critically important relationship between the individual 和 the collective, 家庭与社会. 在生物多样性危机的背景下, urban housing as civic infrastructure must also play a significant role in trans为ming the relationship of architecture to nature. The way we conceive, design, 和 construct housing must start to serve nature, not only humans.

25年来, Alison Brooks彩票365官方网站事务所 London has made housing design a pillar of our practice: to restore its civic role as a generous, 公共和私人生活的弹性框架. We see housing as mixed-use places 为 productivity 和 work, 和 as places of resilience 和 adaptability over time. 在这次演讲中, 艾莉森·布鲁克斯将概述城市设计政策, 框架, 和 quality st和ards that support inclusive 和 resilient housing in the United Kingdom, 和 her context-inspired design strategies that have underpinned her work in the U.K. 与国际.

如图所示, 西方曲线, our practice’s tallest building to date—a 69-storey tower 和 education space at 海滨多伦多 is designed to re-establish local ecologies in Toronto’s emerging 梦想 & 大海湾 码头的总体规划.

星期四,05年.23.24 , 14:00


Designed in collaboration with Feilden Clegg Bradley 工作室s 和 Gort Scott, 布伦特市议会100%经济适用房计划, “统一的地方”, 获得了著名的RIBA伦敦奖.

“在陪审团访问期间, residents expressed their delight with the project 和 their accommodation (…) This project shows how it is possible to provide high-quality, 可持续和经济适用房, embodying the local council’s commitment to elevating the st和ard of living 为 its social residents. 通过社区参与, 仔细的规划, 材料的选择和, 重要的是, a willingness of the three architectural practices to share a common ambition, 语言, 和目标, 统一的地方 has set a benchmark 为 future residential developments.——英国皇家彩票365官方网站师协会奖评委

See the full RIBA Journal article of the jury’s thoughts: http://lnkd.in/eiEWSRuR



我们的住宅庭院塔, 节奏, at 国王十字车站相关的银色 在本周日的 卫报/观察者报纸. Rowan Moore highlighted 节奏 via a thoughtful retrospective, 作为国王十字车站总体规划的关键特征.

我们赞赏 卡姆登理事会, 相关的银色 和 the countless talented individuals from various fields who have contributed to the overall project’s success. 经过二十多年的发展, 国王十字车站 has been rightfully submitted 为 this year’s RIBA awards program.

“艾莉森·布鲁克斯的大楼, 站在远景的尽头, 提供了一些其他彩票365官方网站所缺乏的活力. 它由一对连接的红砖塔组成, 一个又高又中央, the other off-centre 和 angled away from the prevailing right angles, with jiggered rhythms of windows 和 recessed balconies. 不规则的拱形排列出现在顶部和底部, 在半山腰的一两个地方, 不遵循纯圆形的bsamzier曲线, 哪有古代的未来派, 有撒哈拉星球大战的感觉. They have a mannered bounciness, palpably not carrying much weight. 在门厅和一些较高的楼层, 拱拱凸出形成拱顶, which with the twists in the plan 和 a small courtyard create intriguing layers of inside 和 outside space. It’s not that every building need be as complicated as this, 但它带来了一种受欢迎的冒险感.——罗文·摩尔

拍摄的照片 埃德蒙·萨姆纳

‘Nervous of its own boldness’: the (almost) radical rebirth of 国王十字车站


Alison Brooks彩票365官方网站事务所事务所 鲍起静 从瑞典, were one of four finalists shortlisted in a retrofit masterplan design competition focusing on the 月神 block在Södertälje,瑞典.

The scheme was focused on re-working a 1970s concrete megastructure to re-imagine a more accessible 和 legible urban centre. Celebrating the Library 和 Gymnasium as civic anchors at the site’s most prominent edges, our 建议 aimed to revitalize the city center by celebrating its diverse cultures, 拥抱自然景观, 并增强其独特的彩票365官方网站魅力. We were able to retain ~80% of the original structure while utilizing mass timber throughout to make our scheme an exemplar sustainable 建议.

我们四个 “交织月神” 建议, we were joined by l和scape architects LARK from Norway; Linn Lindfred, a circular sustainability expert; 和 designers from Kvarteret K. We are immensely proud of our submission 和 the hard work of every team member. Congratulations CF Möller 为 their excellent winning 建议, “Heaven is our roof”.

要查看我们的完整提交, 点击这里.
